She opened the case and from one of its compartments removed a lady's hand-mirror. The mirror itself was not of glass but of polished bronze, and reflected but poorly.
She turned the mirror over in her hands, examining every aspect of it with a mixture of fascination and dread. But nothing untoward happened, and so she returned the mirror to the dressing-case. She was about to close the lid when she heard it.
It was a noise like a hissing whisper, and it came from the mirror. A slithery, slippery thing it was, that whisper, dark and sinuous, like an evil vapor rising from a caldron.
"Djhana," it said.
A cold breath of fear raced up her spine, chilling her to the marrow.
"Djhana of Kaftor," said the mirror.
"I do not hear you," she answered. "No, no, I do not hear you - "
"Djhana of Kaftor," said the mirror again.
"No, no," she said, her head turning slowly from side to side and her eyes shut tight. "No, no, no!"
"Our mighty lord the earth-shaker commands you. Return - or beware the Triametes!"
Maid-of-all-work in the house of Mrs. Dottie Matchless.
Mr. Arifay
The proprietor of an oyster saloon.
Captain Jack Barnaby
Master of the merchant lugger Salty Sue.
Mrs. Louisa Barnaby
His long-suffering wife; a teacher of the pianoforte.
Mr. Blackshaw
The portentious landlord of the Crozier.
Clerk in the employ of Mr. Hieronymus Hook.
Miss Bright
A young lady studying the pianoforte, without success.
Mr. Frederick Cargo
Grandson of the late Mr. Joseph Cargo, and his chief heir.
Mrs. Susan Cargo
His wife.
A collie dog belonging to Miss Jenny Mulks.
Kate Christmas
The young sister of Tim Christmas
Tim Christmas
Apprentice-of-sorts to Mr. Malachi Threadneedle.
Mrs. Christmas
Mother of the above twain.
Aged servant in the rectory of St. Mary-le-Quay.
The Dean of Nantle Minster
Mr. David Devenham ("Black Davy")
An educated vagabond, of the seaside variety.
Anne Feagle
Confidential housemaid in the service of Mrs. Matchless.
A tame gray fox belonging to Mr. Threadneedle.
Mr. Allan Frobisher
A gentleman lodging in the house of Mrs. Matchless.
The gamekeeper of Smithy Bank.
The dog of Captain Jack Barnaby; adept at the spit-wheel.
Mr. Hicklebeep
A trader dealing in rare and particular merchandise.
Mr. John Hinxton
The bluff landlord of the Axe and Compasses.
Mr. Hieronymus Hook
A crafty, unscrupulous attorney.
Mr. John Hop
An antique gentleman.
Mr. Imbercand ("Candy")
The factotum of Comport's lock-up.
Sisly Ingum
A pretty attendant in an oyster saloon.
John Jarvey
A driver of mastodons.
Hake Jobberley
The assistant keeper of Fairlight station.
Young servant to Mr. Liffey.
Round-the-corner Jones
A reputed rogue and sharper.
A tiny monkey, the companion of Miss Jane Wastefield.
Mrs. Flora Juniper
Neighbor to Mrs. Matchless in Chamomile Street.
Jilly Juniper
Her little daughter.
Mrs. Kimber
Housekeeper to Mr. Threadneedle.
Mr. Kix
A boarder in the house of Mrs. Matchless, and a skinflint.
A moropus, grazing upon pasture at Smithy Bank.
Mr. Lamert
A dealer in marine stores.
Mr. Tom Lanthorne
A town gentleman of grim appearance.
Mr. Arthur Liffey
A kindly solicitor, well-stricken in years; Mr. Joseph Cargo's legal adviser and executor of his estate.
Mr. Lovibond
A plump, rosy bachelor in the boarding-house of Mrs. Matchless.
Young maid to Miss Wastefield.
Mrs. Dottie Matchless
A widow who keeps a boarding-house.
A ship's-cat, ostensibly under the command of Captain Barnaby.
Frank Milo
A youthful postman, much given to whistling.
George Minty
Drawer at the Axe and Compasses.
Planxty Moeran
Horsy-faced associate of Round-the-corner Jones.
Mr. Moldwort
The guardian of an ossuary.
Jenny Mulks
The niece of Matthew Mulks.
Matthew Mulks
The keeper of Fairlight station.
An island dwarf mammoth, in the care of Mr. Threadneedle.
Miss Niamh O'Guppy
A quaint young woman of a musical bent.
Mrs. O'Guppy
Mother of the preceding.
William Pancras
A lad in the service of Mrs. Matchless.
The Rev. Dr. Giddeus Pinches
A learned divine; rector of St. Mary-le-Quay, and prebendary of Nantle Minster.
Miss Griselda Pinches
His unmarried sister.
Mr. Plush
Butler to Mr. Threadneedle.
Mrs. Poundit
Cook inhabiting the smoky kitchen of Mrs. Matchless.
Mr. Edmund Rainbow
A critic and chess-player
Miss Charlotte Rivers
A young lady boarding with Mrs. Matchless.
Job Sawyer
A retired ship's-carpenter.
Sir Sharp-nail
A cat of parts, presiding in state at Sprig's coffee-house.
Captain Slinger
A former merchant sea-captain.
Bob Sly
First mate of the Salty Sue.
Mr. Martin Somerset
Scion of the Somersets of Wakely, Crow's-end.
Mr. Jerry Squailes
A person of some interest to the heirs of Mr. Joseph Cargo.
Pot-boy at the Axe and Compasses.
Mr. Malachi Threadneedle
A retired grocer and a widower, now squire of Smithy Bank, Truro.
Mr. Tozer
The jolly, bearded landlord of Sprig's coffee-house.
Miss Elizabeth Trickle
The pipe-smoking landlady of Betty's fruit shop and tea room, and mistress of wagering at Sprig's.
Mr. Swuff Turcott
A brisk, pompous young Thespian, skilled at chess.
Miss Aspasia Veal
A spinster, long the friend and confidante of the family Cargo.
Miss Jane Wastefield
A young lady of uncommon attraction, lodging with Mrs. Juniper.
The Rev. Mr. Yorridge
Vicar of St. Brine's parish, Plinth.