The time passed slowly. After a while he pressed fingers to bleary eyes. He had enjoyed little sleep of late. Shifting uneasily in his chair, he became suddenly conscious of a vague feeling as of an alien presence there in the room. Moments later a slight sound brought him to dreadful attention.
There was a shaving-mirror stood next to the table. Something in the corner of his eye, something he saw reflected in the glass, had given him rather a shock. It was the wardrobe that stood against the wall behind him. The door of the wardrobe, which had been closed, was seen to be opening, its hinges a-creak, mouse-like. This had been the slight sound.
He recoiled in alarm. Framed in the doorway was a blackened, shriveled mass -- a grisly, horrid, wasted thing, more like a diseased mannequin than a man. Two gleaming orbs like points of burning coal, twin lamps of lurid crimson deep-sunk in withered sockets, regarded him from the stealthy dark of the wardrobe.
Waves of horror washed over him. The thing was beyond all comprehension -- hellish, foul, abominable.
With panic urging him to flight, he lurched up out of his chair. The next he knew a bony, claw-like hand of steel had slammed down on his shoulder. He gave an involuntary cry. Then his face dimmed like a snuffed candle, his eyes rolled glassily in his head, he took two or three steps, sagged and, melting down like lard on a hot griddle, knew no more . . .
Canon Bagshot
Minor canon in the Cathedral at Bogminster; a sedate bachelor, and brother of Mrs. Sidebottom
Miss Charlotte Bentloe ("Charley")
Daughter of the following, his youngest child and a peach, and admired short-stop of the Lingonshire Poachers
The Rev. Mr. Tom Bentloe
The vicar of Snod's End, in Lingonshire; boyhood chum of Father Maconchy's, and chief of the Lingonshire Poachers club
Joe Billickin
One of Nan Chugwell's drivers, in command of Cowcatcher, a dwarf shovel-tusker mastodon
Harry Cheatham
A short, stocky, stubble-jawed individual, hard-cut, with a malmsey nose
Mr. Chessford
The squire of Little Dene, in Bogminster, and chief benefactor of the Slopshire Nines club
Mr. Matt Chugwell
Son of the following, and a skilled driver of mastodons
Mrs. Nan Chugwell
Chief of a shovel-tusker mastodon team based at Deadmarsh
Prof. Jedediah Clutterbuck
A professor of physics, and celebrated aeronaut
Windy Conklin
The Slopshire Nines' fearless tiger at third base
A dwarf shovel-tusker mastodon, on loan to the Slopshire Nines and Fr. Maconchy from Mrs. Chugwell
Dean Dripstone
The Dean of Bogminster Cathedral, and former college chum of Fr. Maconchy
The Dutchman
Catcher of the Slopshire Nines club, and its captain; real name Kringle
Fr. Maconchy's youthful usher in St. Dunstan's Church
Billy Gannon
Relief left-fielder for the Slopshire Nines
Mr. Haredale
Highly successful brewer at Bogminster, and a backer of the Slopshire Nines club
Mr. Jephro Hasty
Shorthand writer and reporter for the Bogminster Mail & Echo
Miss Joan Higbee
A bright, pretty young woman, and special friend of Mr. Chessford's
Fr. Maconchy's sexton and confidant at St. Dunstan's
Miss Mary Elizabeth Jinks ("Maizie")
Niece of Bishop Tobias, and fiery-haired first-baseman for the Slopshire Nines
Miss Betty Julaper
Friend of Joan Higbee's, and sister of the following
Onslow Julaper ("Mangles")
Star left-fielder for the Slopshire Nines
Squint Larkin
A pompous umpire
Father Seamus Maconchy
Parish priest of St. Dunstan's RC Church in Bogminster, and chief of the Slopshire Nines club
Moon Man Mullen
Center-fielder for the Slopshire Nines, and captain of the outfield
Nicholas Greatpaw
Mr. Chessford's tabby cat at Little Dene, with supernumerary toes on each forefoot
"Doc" Pepper
Chief hurler of the Lingonshire Poachers
Fr. Maconchy's fussy little white woolly dog ("me gallant watchdog")
Austin Pounders
Dangerous-hitting left-fielder for the Lingonshire Poachers
Mr. Parker Prosper
A prominent banker at Bogminster
Bull shovel-tusker mastodon in Mrs. Chugwell's team, driven by Matt Chugwell
Easy-gaited little buckskin belonging to Mr. Chessford
Phungo Shrowl
Nimble short-stop of the Slopshire Nines, the best at easy fly balls ("phungoes")
Mrs. Elsie Sidebottom
Fr. Maconchy's widowed cook and housekeeper at St. Dunstan's; sister of Canon Bagshot
Dr. Slag
A gaunt, gray, dry old fossil of a physician
Abel Slinger
Prized pitcher of the Slopshire Nines
Mr. Lionel Snooks
Assistant verger in Bogminster Cathedral
Cully Soames
Truculent right-fielder of the Slopshire Nines; a raving Scot
Yep Stock
Wiry second-baseman of the Slopshire Nines
Bishop Tobias
RC Bishop of Bogminster, and doting uncle of Maizie Jinks
Amanda Tutty
Housemaid at Little Dean, with some experience as a nurse
Wall-eye Wallace
Reserve pitcher of the Slopshire Nines, with a fearful glower ("the quid monster")
Tack Weatherell
Catcher and captain of the Lingonshire Poachers
Featured image: Detail from Hereford Cathedral (oil on canvas), by John William Buxton Knight (1843-1908). (Bradford Art Galleries and Museums, West Yorkshire, UK/Bridgeman Images)